Medicinal Cannabis for Mental Health: A 2020 Review of Its Benefits and Risks


Medicinal cannabis has gained attention for its potential to help with mental health issues. In 2020, researchers led by Dr. Jerome Sarris reviewed its use in treating conditions like anxiety, depression, and PTSD. This study provides a balanced look at how cannabis might help, but also where it may fall short.

Key Points

  1. What Did They Study?
    • This review focused on studies of cannabis for mental health conditions such as anxiety, depression, PTSD, and psychosis.
    • The goal was to find out how effective and safe medicinal cannabis is for these disorders.
  2. What Did They Find?
    • Potential Benefits: Cannabis showed promise in helping some patients manage anxiety and PTSD.
    • Risks: There’s concern about side effects, including memory problems and worsening mental health in some cases.
    • The evidence is mixed—cannabis isn’t a one-size-fits-all solution.
  3. What’s the Conclusion?
    • More research is needed to understand how to use cannabis safely and effectively for mental health.
    • Right now, it’s not the first choice for most mental health treatments but could be considered in specific cases.

The VitalPoint For Patients

This review highlights the promise and limitations of using medicinal cannabis for mental health. While it might help with certain conditions like anxiety or PTSD, it’s important to discuss it with a doctor to weigh the benefits and risks.

For more information, visit BMC Psychiatry.

Anxiety Depression Patient Research
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